Friday 10 May 2013

First casts on new water

Although cold and miserable, tonight was an evening that marks the start of a very exciting journey - I had my first casts on one of the new beats.

This is a particularly nice spot where fish lie along the left bank by the wood and a little further down there is a deep hole that often holds a fish

I met a couple of the rods to show them the beat for the first time, thankfully they were very impressed, as have all of the rods so far - we looked at the top beat and them made our way down the road a few miles to the bottom beat. This is a very different beat to the top one, we tackled up and made our way down river so I could give them a good introduction and point out the various lies.
This is THE hot spot so in true gentlemanly fashion I left if for the new rods to have a few casts. It all looked very fishy but sadly nothing was caught, I have fished this water from the opposite bank over the years but this really is the better bank to fish from.
What I really noticed tonight was that although this is a small river it looks so different from the other bank. I thought i knew this stretch well but i discovered so many fishy looking spots tonight. I cant wait to fish this beat more and I'm sure the other rods will have some happy times here!

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